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Bangor Fire First Alarm Responses & Still Alarms
Grass/ Brush Fire - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue
Vehicle Fire - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue
Fire Alarms - 2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 2 Rescues, Fire Comm 1
Fire in Building - 2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 2 Rescues, Fire Comm 1
Vehicle Accident - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue - *Heavy Rescue Spec Call
EMS - 1 Rescue (Engine if Warranted by EMD)
Dumpster Fire - 1 Engine
Carbon Monoxide - 1 Engine
Chimney Fire - 2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 2 Rescues, Fire Comm 1
Water Related - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue, 1 boat, Heavy Rescue
Technical Rescue - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue, Heavy Rescue
Haz - Mat  - 2 Engines, 2 Rescues, 1 Ladder, Fire Comm 1, Orono FD Haz Mat Team (as needed)
Aircraft Emergency at BIA - minimum of 1 engine, 1 rescue, 1 tanker.
(more as size of aircraft requires) (may add 2 additional engines, 1- ladder, 2 additional rescues, Fire Comm 1,  Heavy Rescue, Second Ladder Command Truck in case of crash)
* This is determined by ANG Crash Rescue *
Mutual Aid - as requested
**Tank 6 Responses - All fires outside of city hydrants and mutual aid.
Alarms Above the
First Alarm
All Hands - One additonal Engine, One additional Rescue to scene
(** ANG tanker & Glenburn tanker to scene) Brewer Engine and OronoEngine to cover Central, Hire Back Chief Officer
Second Alarm - Brewer Engine & Orono Engine to scene,
(** Hermon & Hampden tankers to scene) Hermon Engine to cover Central, Veazie Engine to cover Station 5, Bangor Recall for 1 officer and 3 ffers to man Engine 2.
Third Alarm - Hermon Engine & Veazie Engine to Scene, Engine 2 cover central, Hampden Engine to cover Central.
Fourth Alarm - Engine 2 and Hampden Engine to scene, Old Town Engine to Cover Central, Glenburn Engine to cover Station 6
** = Tanker responses outside the hydrant district.
Addition Ladders and other equipment are by special call.
*All initial alarms may have other equipment added as needed for special circumstances *

Never Forget

Firefighters most trusted group in Europe and U.S.
Updated On: Jun 23, 2009

LONDON (Reuters Life!) - Firefighters are the most trusted professionals in Europe and the United States, and politicians the least, with bank employees considerably less trusted than a year ago, according to a survey out on Friday.


After a year in which much of the world slid into recession led by a crisis in the financial sector, just 37 percent of respondents to a survey by market research institute GfK said they trusted bankers, compared with 45 percent a year ago.


Firefighters were trusted by 92 percent of respondents, and politicians by 18 percent.


Some of the biggest variations between the countries included in the survey -- 16 European countries and the United States -- were found in levels of trust in the church, the police and judges.


The clergy is trusted by 88 percent of Romanians but just 26 percent of Greeks, for example, while just 37 percent of the Russians surveyed said they trusted the police, compared with 88 percent in Germany.


Bulgarian judges won 31 percent approval, while in Poland 86 percent said they trusted judges.


Overall, teachers came in third, followed by postal workers, doctors and the armed forces in joint third place.


Politicians were least trusted in Greece, with just 6 percent of the vote, and even in the top-rated country for politicians, Sweden, they won only 38 percent approval.


Advertising professionals were second-least trusted after politicians, and top managers third-least.


Journalists were the sixth-least trusted of the 20 professions covered by the survey, with a 41 percent rating.


GfK surveyed 17,295 people in February and March 2009 for its annual poll.


(Reporting by Georgina Prodhan, editing by Paul Casciato)





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BFD Died in the Line of Duty
John D. Graffam 
10/17/ 1906
Thomas J. O'Leary 
John F. Leonard
Walter J. Morrill
1/15/ 1914
Herbert Coleman
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