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Bangor Fire First Alarm Responses & Still Alarms
Grass/ Brush Fire - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue
Vehicle Fire - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue
Fire Alarms - 2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 2 Rescues, Fire Comm 1
Fire in Building - 2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 2 Rescues, Fire Comm 1
Vehicle Accident - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue - *Heavy Rescue Spec Call
EMS - 1 Rescue (Engine if Warranted by EMD)
Dumpster Fire - 1 Engine
Carbon Monoxide - 1 Engine
Chimney Fire - 2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 2 Rescues, Fire Comm 1
Water Related - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue, 1 boat, Heavy Rescue
Technical Rescue - 1 Engine, 1 Rescue, Heavy Rescue
Haz - Mat  - 2 Engines, 2 Rescues, 1 Ladder, Fire Comm 1, Orono FD Haz Mat Team (as needed)
Aircraft Emergency at BIA - minimum of 1 engine, 1 rescue, 1 tanker.
(more as size of aircraft requires) (may add 2 additional engines, 1- ladder, 2 additional rescues, Fire Comm 1,  Heavy Rescue, Second Ladder Command Truck in case of crash)
* This is determined by ANG Crash Rescue *
Mutual Aid - as requested
**Tank 6 Responses - All fires outside of city hydrants and mutual aid.
Alarms Above the
First Alarm
All Hands - One additonal Engine, One additional Rescue to scene
(** ANG tanker & Glenburn tanker to scene) Brewer Engine and OronoEngine to cover Central, Hire Back Chief Officer
Second Alarm - Brewer Engine & Orono Engine to scene,
(** Hermon & Hampden tankers to scene) Hermon Engine to cover Central, Veazie Engine to cover Station 5, Bangor Recall for 1 officer and 3 ffers to man Engine 2.
Third Alarm - Hermon Engine & Veazie Engine to Scene, Engine 2 cover central, Hampden Engine to cover Central.
Fourth Alarm - Engine 2 and Hampden Engine to scene, Old Town Engine to Cover Central, Glenburn Engine to cover Station 6
** = Tanker responses outside the hydrant district.
Addition Ladders and other equipment are by special call.
*All initial alarms may have other equipment added as needed for special circumstances *

Never Forget

Frequently Asked Questions
Updated On: Jul 18, 2009

1. How do we get the calls?

    We receive our calls in a variety of ways. The majority of our calls come from the 911 dispatchers at the Bangor Police Department. They take all information, decide which units need to be dispatched and the mode that they need to go. Another way we get calls is from the 'Box Alarm System'. These are the red boxes that are seen around the city. All of our stations hear the bells and have a tape to tell us which box it is. Each box has a response listed for 2 engines, 2 rescues, a ladder and the Assistant Chief. The final way that we recieve calls is by calls directly to the stations, drive-ins or walk-ins. The company officer then decides how the call should be answered, notifies the dispatch center, then they fill out the response.

2. How is it decided who responds to calls?

   The city is broken into 3 districts. Each station has a 'first due' and 'still' area of the city. The dispatcher takes the location and looks into a file to determine the 'first due' companies (engine & rescue). If the first due units are busy, then the next closest units (second due) are dispatched.

3. I called an ambulance once, and a fire engine showed up. Why did that happen?

   The reason for the fire truck could be a for a variety of reasons. If the fire truck shows up with the ambulance, then it was determined by the dispatcher that the condition we were responding to, needed extra hands because of the patient's condition. This could be for as host of reasons, like heart problems of breathing problems. Sometimes (quite often) all 3 of our ambulances, or at least the ambulance that covers that district, is busy. Our engine companies all carry paramedic level equipment (the same stuff as the rescues) and probably have an advanced life support firefighter on the truck. We send an engine, so that care is not delayed. If needed, the company can defibrillate, start IV's, give medications or just start oxygen. The care is continued until the rescue arrives. If the patient's condition warrents, members of the engine company will go with the rescue to the hospital.

 4. Do we always respond with red lights and sirens?

     Not always. Depending on the nature of the call, the engine company or the rescue will travel with the flow of traffic. This is a lot safer for us as well as the public.

5. Does the ambulance always use the red lights and siren going to the hospital?

    No. Very rarely do we do that. Most of the time, we travel with the traffic. Why? All of our ambulances have at least 1 paramedic on it. These medics have all of the tools they need to stabilize the patient (most of the time) in the truck. It is safer for all if we don't 'blow through town'. Occasionally we will use the red lights and sometimes we use the siren. These patients are generally in serious condition. Even if we are able to stabilize them, time can be a factor in getting them to the ER for treatment and special tests.

6. Does a Fire Engine respond to all car accidents?

    The closest engine company will respond to all accidents with injuries. This is for many reasons - #1 being safety. Perhaps the vehicle is leaking fluids or has smoke coming from it. Perhaps the person is trapped in the car. All of our engine companies carry the 'Jaws of Life'. These tools include a spreader and a cutter. If more tools or a larger selection of equipment is needed, the the heavy rescue can respond. This truck has everything that is needed to remove the victims. If all of these issues are under control. then the Engine Company can assist the Rescue crew with patient care.

7. I noticed that the fire truck and ambulance went through a red light, then after they got through - they shut them off. Why was that?

    When this happens, the units are generally cancelled by somebody. It could either be the first due engine company or the police. No, this is not to get to the station faster.

8. I called because my smoke detectors were going off. Why did I get a whole street full of fire trucks?

    When we get an alarm, we need to respond as though your house or business my be on fire. Usually after the first engine company gets there, the rest of them are cancelled as soon as we find the problem.

9. My alarm went off - my alarm company called the fire department - after I found that the call was false I tried to cancel you. An engine company still showed up - why was that?

   Once we are dispatched, we need to send someone to check it out. You probably are right, that this was a false alarm, but we need to make sure. Why? Perhaps your house does have a problem and you don't realize it. We can help you find the problem. Perhaps someone else cancels us, and you don't know it and you do have a problem. That is why we always send at least 1 unit to check it out.

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BFD Died in the Line of Duty
John D. Graffam 
10/17/ 1906
Thomas J. O'Leary 
John F. Leonard
Walter J. Morrill
1/15/ 1914
Herbert Coleman
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